Wednesday, November 26, 2014

DIY Pigmented Chap-sticks

What do you do on those cold winter days where its just to cozy inside to go outside? You make your own lipstick! Whats better than experimenting with a product you can use!

This is the materials/products used. 
I used some chap-sticks that I had made a while ago with a Kiss Naturals kit. The kit included bee's wax, safflower oil, essential oils, and some vitamin E. These were great for the lips but they had a clear pigment and I got bored of them. So I decided to melt them down and add some colors. Now if you don't have any previous made chapsticks to melt down ill include links to other recipes that works great, as well!

What I used: Crayons, empty container/s, previous made chapsticks, coconut oil, pan, and a pyrex dish.

  The first thing your going to do is fill a small pan with water and turn the heat on low. Meanwhile, I used a butter knife to scoop the product into the pyrex dish.

Place the dish in the water. 

Then your going to pick a crayon or crayons to make the desired color. The more crayon that is added the more pigmented the outcome will be. The first one I decided to do was a kind of pinky natural color. 

Stir together as everything melts. 

You can always add some mint extract or more oils depending on what you desire. I am a huge fan of coconut oil and added 1/4 of a teaspoon and some menthol chap-stick I had.  Once your done pour it back into the container and place it in the fridge or freezer for about 5 minutes.

I wanted the next chap-stick to come out to kind of be color similar to mauve.

So I cut a piece of the red crayon and mixed it with some of the brown. 

The melting process.

After everything was melted I poured it back into the previous container. 

I used a big chuck of purple crayon mixed with a little bit of red for my next "invention" and followed the same process.

This is how the three colors came out.

The natural pink pigment, red/brown and the purple mixture. 

Whats better than a whole made "lipstick"? These have a slight pigmentation depending on the amount of crayon used without the drying affect that lipstick can sometimes have. Ill include some before and afters of each color. The first picture to the right was my bare lips and right next to that was the pink mixture. Next was the red/brown mixture and third was the purple mixture.  

The different colors. 
                                                                                                                                                                    Now if your looking for another recipe there are many different DIY's out there! You can simply just use some coconut oil with crayons. You can always add some vanilla or mint for flavoring. Others use bee's wax, olive oil, or vaseline. This is a great and in-expensive way to get great looking lips! There are so many options out there. Below ill include a link to the many different options out there.                                                                                                                                                    
Homemade lipstick recipes.                                                                                                                                          
I hope y'all have a fantastic day!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Busy Days and New Beauty

These past few days have been quite busy for myself. The days included traveling to Wyoming and visiting friends which was very needed. I enjoyed getting to see some of my 'best friends' and even meeting some new people! After I had gotten back to Montana, Prairie Barbie and I had went traveling to help friends move and then of course the everyday stuff. :)

Meanwhile, I had a friend share some of her beauty secrets. Now, first let me tell you that this woman is absolutely gorgeous. Perfectly toned skin, hydrated, no blemishes etc. She honestly has it all. So I had to know what her "secret" was. Her answer? Arbonne.

Some of their product lines. 

I find that the funkier or the more different the name is, the funner the product is to try out and I was intrigued by the name.  She was kind enough to give some of their products to me. This line can be considered on the "high end" side of the beauty products. Their line includes everything from new cell generating cleanser's, exfoliator's, moisturizer's, eye cream, and even makeup! Ive only been using this brand for 3 days so far but I have been watching for improvement.

Some of the product claims.
Some of their claims seem a bit to good to be true but then again products like these really do exist! What wouldn't be better for dry kranky skin?

The cleansers give the skin that nice tingling sensation and I almost always find that calming. They did very well with exfoliation while being gentle enough for my dry skin. I also used the mud mask in their line. "Whoa!" That stuff really seems to work! It is the only mask I have ever used that tingled as much as it had. Lets just say...I was doing some pretty funky dance moves during the wait time.

Arbonne Homepage
Knowing that I cant do a full review on any of the products until the time of use is prolonged I thought I would give a heads up on what would be coming! Although, I'm trying not to say to much just from pure excitement about having many new products. For those of you who are wondering about the line or just looking for something new I would look into the 'Arbonne' line. A full review will be coming on some of the products from their line including side affects, reactions, and how well they worked out.

If you would like to check out their page the link is above with their logo.

Hope y'all have a great day!